Aufräumarbeiten und Umweltbewusstsein im Mekongdelta

On the 16thand 17thof May, a part of Unser Team, in collaboration with a group of volunteers Trashpackers which aims to Clean-up and environmental awareness in Mekong Delta as much of the world as possible from its waste, went on the Mekong Delta, in Cai Be, for a day of awareness about the environmental protection.

It is very important to draw the attention of younger generations to the current state of affairs. Because they have the future of our planet in their hands.

So we began our day by visiting a city school to teach children about the importance of environmental protection. After an awareness speech for the youngest, our team, like the kids, got gloves and bags to pick up garbage around the school. We all were captivated by the motivation of the schoolchild to make this place clean and healthy. Despite the heat and the sun, which didn’t give us a break, each of them redoubled their efforts to collect a maximum of waste.

Raising environmental awareness in the Mekong Delta Raising environmental awareness in the Mekong Delta

After leaving the children to go on holiday (yes, it was their last day of school …). We embarked on a pirogue to continue our collection but on the waters of the Mekong this time! In pairs by pirogue, our mission was to collect a maximum of waste. The observation was overwhelming …

Clean-up environmental in Mekong Delta Clean-up environment in Mekong Delta

We were shocked to see how much local people do not realize the damage they are doing to their environment. Which has once again highlighted the importance of raising awareness about environmental protection.

Despite the fact that our actions may seem small compared to the huge amounts of waste on Earth. We know it was not useless, quite the contrary. The children who helped us will be able to talk about it and try to raise awareness, or the inhabitants who have observed us on the Mekong will pay more attention to this river which brings them so many resources …

It was a very enriching experience for the whole team which realized that, even at our scale. We can do something! Sharing it with locals made it even more beautiful. Our awareness was unprecedented and each one opened their eyes to his role.

So, you too, don’t hesitate to give a little bit of your time to join Clean-up and environmental awareness in the Mekong Delta project whether at home or on vacation, to return our planet to its past splendor with small actions like ours!

Tools to clean up the environment of the Mekong Delta Tools to clean up the environment of the Mekong Delta
